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Stop Smoking
Help to Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Glasgow


Hypnotherapy in Glasgow - Stop Smoking


For many of us, hypnotherapy can be the catalyst to unlocking change for our bad habits. One of the hardest habits to break undoubtedly has to be smoking, but perhaps where other methods have failed; stop smoking hypnosis could be the answer for you.


There are many benefits to this type of hypnotherapy treatment, but ultimately, you won’t be able to feel any of them unless you actively want to stop smoking. Unfortunately there is no miracle cure for those who don’t really want to stop smoking, but if you do, then belief is the first step to quitting for good.


I speak from experience here, as someone who started smoking at 13 because I believed I was being cool. Years later, although the cool factor had gone, I found the habit hard to break. I tried a few times to stop, but returned to it a few times in the past. That was until I discovered hypnotherapy – I managed to stop smoking completely simply by using self-hypnosis. I was both amazed and delighted at the result of the hypnosis, and how it managed to help me so much.


Don’t just take it from me though – an article published by the New Scientist found that research has shown that stopping smoking through hypnosis has proven to be one of the most effective methods of stopping. The study included over 600 participants which brought forward this conclusion.


Similarly to the way hypnotherapy helps those with food, anxiety or other issues, the stop smoking hypnotherapy treatments help by reprogramming the subconscious and then allowing for new behaviour patterns to develop. This usually produces great results as long as you work with the therapist and are fully committed to quitting. When under hypnosis, your subconscious is open to suggestion, and therefore you may become more willing to accept suggestion about quitting the habit and becoming a non-smoker. Sometimes it is possible to stop smoking after just one session, however this isn’t always the case as everyone is different. For example if you have other things going on in your life such as anxiety or if you’re feeling stressed, this can affect the outcome overall and so these areas might also need to be addressed.


If you would like to find out more about how hypnotherapy may be able to help you stop smoking then please get in touch, as we offer a free initial consultation. 


Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking- Glasgow


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